Convert Audio Amplifier into DIY Pure Sine Wave Inverter
With the increasing electricity demand, we often find ourselves looking for new and innovative ways to generate power. We can save a lot of money if we can use energy efficiently.
So why not build an inverter that is capable of converting ordinary household current into pure sine wave? It may sound not very easy, but it isn’t! All you need are some standard tools and this guide. Let’s get started!
Use an amplifier as an inverter
A DIY pure sine wave inverter is a project that many people are interested in taking on. It’s also something that could be extremely dangerous if done incorrectly. We’re going to show you how to do it safely and effectively, but first we need to explain what exactly a pure sine wave inverter does. A typical power inverter takes DC (Direct Current) electricity from your car or boat battery and converts it into AC (Alternating Current) electricity that can be used by regular outlets like the ones found at your home. Some appliances require AC power, while others work just fine with DC power, so having an inverter allows you to both use it! The problem comes when appliances require the current they were designed for.
The DIY pure sine wave inverter is an essential device for people who are looking to generate their own electricity. With it, you can power your electrical appliances without needing to be connected to the primary grid. We will walk you through how to make a simple audio amplifier into a DIY pure sine wave inverter with step-by-step instructions.
Audio amp as a power inverter
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to charge your phone or laptop but don’t have access to electricity? For example, maybe the power is out, and you want to play some tunes at your campsite. Or maybe it’s just an emergency, and you could use some extra juice for lights. At any rate, this tutorial will show how to convert an old amplifier into a pure sine wave inverter that can be used with batteries or solar panels. This is a great way to get off the grid!
The first step of this project is finding an old amplifier with RCA inputs on the back (the kind with two sets of red/white plugs). The second step is getting rid of all the bells and whistles.
This is the perfect project for those looking for ways to save money on energy bills or want to have power when there isn’t any available. The process is not hard and only requires basic tools, so follow along in our step-by-step tutorial below! We also have a video at the end of this post if you’d prefer learning through visual aids.